headerPathString - String Used to create the propriety path, defaults to . example contact: {name: 'example} = contact.name
fillGaps - Boolean Set this option if don't want to have empty cells in case of an object with multiple nested items (array prop), defaults to false Issue #22
fillTopRow - Boolean - Try filling top rows first for unpopular columns, defaults to `false`
headers - Array Used to set a custom header order, defaults to [] example ['lastname', 'name']
rename - Array Used to set a custom header text, defaults to [] example ['Last Name', 'Name']
mapHeaders - Function Post-process headers after they are calculated with delimiters, example mapHeaders: (header) => header.replace(/foo\./, '')
rowDelimiter - String Change the file row delimiter. Defaults to , (cvs format). Use \t for xls format. Use ; for (windows excel .csv format).
textDelimiter - String The character used to escape the text content if needed (default to ")
forceTextDelimiter - Boolean Set this option to true to wrap every data item and header in the textDelimiter. Defaults to false
endOfLine - String Replace the OS default EOL.
mainPathItem - String Every header will have the mainPathItem as the base.
arrayPathString - String This is used to output primitive arrays in a single column, defaults to ;
booleanTrueString - String Will be used instead of true.
booleanFalseString - String Will be used instead of false.
includeHeaders - Boolean Set this option to false to hide the CSV headers.
undefinedString - String If you want to display a custom value for undefined strings, use this option. Defaults to .
verticalOutput - Boolean Set this option to false to create a horizontal output for JSON Objects, headers in the first row, values in the second.
typeHandlers - {typeName:(value, index, parent)=>any A key map of constructors used to match by instance to create a value using the defined function (see example)